Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Pieces...Pieces in the Potter's Hands

I remember nights, ailing over heartache...ailing over what didn't work and the time it was taking God to make things happen for me.  One night, I was wallowing in sorrow and decided to put the "pieces" of my heart onto a canvas.  I had told God that I felt like my life- my heart- was in pieces.  My attempts of FIXING, ADJUSTING, and REASSEMBLING pieces seemed futile.  I just couldn't seem to make things work or make things better.  I felt like a mess...

So...that night, God allowed me to use the creation of the collage/painting above as a means of RELEASE and THERAPY.  I laid down after finishing, thinking my work was done.  Not long after I laid down, I was prompted to get up and start another piece.  I felt God wanted me to know that laying out my pieces was not the end of the process.  Now that I had cried, vented, and turned my pieces into an ART piece...NOW it was God's turn to speak.  Thus...the second work posted above:  "Pieces in the Potters Hands."  I felt God teaching me that if I would just place all my pieces into his very capable hands, then He could transform my pieces into HIS masterpiece.

We may not be able to fix everything or always gain the type of closure we are looking for. We may not be able to see how things are going to work out or come together, but one thing I feel God has been trying to teach me time and time again is this:  If you would just trust Me and entrust ALL of you (and your pieces) to Me; I will take care of you far better than you could take care of yourself.

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