Sunday, February 1, 2015

Just Me...

I Am Enough
by Ashley J. Moore

I am enough
Just as I am
No need to look around me
Comparing and contrasting
Trying to alter, adjust, measure up, and make up for
Trying to win and stuff, "his" eye, “his” heart, my place, my position…

God has settled me
He settled me in His truth
The truth that makes me free
The truth that reminds me who and whose I am
The truth that reminds me that what God has for me is for me
The truth that reminds me that HE is the one who's keeping me and preserving my destiny
The truth that reminds me that in Him I am enough
The truth that reminds me that it's IN HIM that I "live and move and have my being"
The truth that reminds me that "my sufficiency is in Him"
The truth that frees me to develop the me that I was created to be
Rather than looking about me, checking myself, uncertain, unsure, afraid, always trying- Never settled…
Not anymore
I am enough
My sufficiency is in Him
He's not only keeping me, but He's also keeping the things, places, positions, and people He has for me
"I fling my arms whirl" as Langston Hughes might say
I delight in me
I delight in His love
I am okay
I am enough
I am free
I am now free
Not only to love and develop "me"
But also free to love, encourage, and uplift my sisters and brothers
I am now free to love and live and be
No fear
Just love
and liberty
Free to be
Free to embrace

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