Saturday, November 19, 2016

First Mural in the Making

Life has its ups and downs, but one thing I am sure of is God's grace and blessings in ALL seasons and stages of life.  Sometimes you have to look for them.  Sometimes they are undeniably obvious.  Most times we just have to pay attention.  They are present and visible:  blessings and beauty, opportunity and purpose are there.  Sometimes we have to reset our focus, looking away from things that would distract us from growing and enjoying our lives.  

A colleague and I were blessed with the opportunity to create a mural for our school's cafeteria/auditorium.  This is my first collaborative, communal piece.  This is my first mural.  

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Shelved Hearts

Open Mic

I dare not proclaim to be a spoken word artist.
I am merely me 
and my pen
and my paper
my brush and my canvas are my wine, listening ear, and therapy.

If only you know 
how much I needed tonight
a moment to feel
and just be
and be free
free from the stress and strain of the day
free form the expectations and rules of others
free from eyes of disappointment
free from the weight of my heart
free from the pressure to be 
anything and anyone other than me.

If you only knew how much I needed this moment
this pen
this mic
to exhale 
as well as this moment, this time and space
an opportunity
to wrap myself up in me
and call it enough

Saturday, November 12, 2016


If This World Were Mine
By Ashley J. Moore
“If this world were mine
I’d give you the flowers
The birds and the bees...” (Sang to Luther Vandross’s tune)
If this world were mine
I’d take away every weight
And every angst
Every frustration…
I’d block every hurt and disappointment
I’d bulldoze every mountain in your way
Unclog every blockage in your hearts’ valves
Every form of self-preservation and every need for it
I would be your shield
I’d be your humorous line, filling your heart with laughter
I’d call forth sunshine and moonlight, Auburn victories, and manifested fantasies
If this world were mine
I’d release all uncried tears
And wash them away
In the waters of Hanauma Bay, in rivers of relief
Cleansing waves leaving your heart light and refreshed
And Free
And Happy
And full and fresh and free
If this world were mine
I’d disperse every cloud and dispel every fog
I’d massage away every furrow in your brow
And lift every weight off your heart, mind, and shoulders
If this world were mine
I’d make everything easy…no pain, no disappointment, no frustration, no sadness, no worry…
Fortunately, this world is not mine
And you do have mountains
And clouds
And fog
And weight
I ache when you ache, and my brow furrows when you are down
Fortunately, this world is not mine
And with every mountain, your voice has grown stronger…because you’re a man who speaks to his day and tells his day how it’s going to be…You’re a man who speaks to dry bones and tells them to live
And with every cloud, you’ve received rain to produce crops, and fruit, and podcasts…
And with every weight, your muscles have bulged and been strengthened
And with every fog, your remaining senses have grown more keen; for you’ve walked by faith and not by sight
“If this world were mine
I’d give you the flowers
The birds and the bees..”
But fortunately, it’s not and  you don’t need me to
You have everything you need within you
And everything you need will be revealed to you
You are a king
And a winner
And a victor
So rather than ache because I can’t rescue you
I’ll sit with you
And stand with you
And pray for you
And cheer for you
Because YOU are a victor

And this world is not mine

Painted Smiles

Blocking Out the Noise


Even Superwoman 
has to pause
and take time
to refuel
and recharge
to recenter
to be still
to reset
take a break
take a nap
to disconnect
from the pulls of life
to reconnect
to herself and her God
so that she too can have and enjoy life
and be in position when the time comes again
to be able to pour into others
without running on E
without running on fumes
without drying out
but rather pouring out of the overflow
of the inner flow 
of life and rejuvenation