Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Fight

(Picture retrieved from Window's 8, Microsoft clip art)

By Ashley Jataun Moore

He tries to make me feel that I am losing
Losing it
Lost it
Lost him
Lost her
Lost me
A loser
But I am not.

He tries to show me that I’m falling
Keep falling
Have fallen
Falling for, tripping over
A failure.
But he’s a lie.
I am not.

He tries to convince me that I’ve missed it
Missed it
Missing it
Cause I’m missing you
Can’t see my way
Missed that turn
Missing my glasses, misplaced my keys
Missing you
Missing out
MISplaced, MIStaken
I’m missing it
Missing something, not enough,
Missing it, not getting it, not comprehending
Missed it, fallen short, messed it up
But I haven’t.

He tries to show me that I’m broken
Breakdowns, broken down
Broken pieces
Broke, thin pockets
Broken down
Broke it
But I’m not.

From broken to better
Broken to breakthroughs
Every broken piece
Every fragment, quilted together to cover and warm
Crying babies, hurting moms, cold brothers
I’m healing souls and warming nations
Preserving life

From breakdowns to broken spells, broken curses
From brokenness to breakthroughs
For me and those I’m called to touch

From missing out
To missing hits and blows
Sheltered in the shadow of the Almighty

From missing it to making it
Through and to places
On the way
Fulfilling my destiny
Giving folks rides
Car tires, bike wheels, sore legs
Pushing, encouraging them to make it too:
It’s not too late
God is within
Nothing needed is missing
That can’t bloom from a heart of faith grounded in His word

He thought he had me
Had my mind
My heart
My soul
Darkened, deceived, weary, fatigued
Thirsty, craving, starving, longing




I am living
Dreaming again
Face forward

Ignoring waves and winds
And voices

Tuning in to the station, “I can…”
Setting my eyes on the words “I will…”
Grounding my heart in His love and faithfulness; prices paid; ways already paved

Resisting the enemy
Shutting him up
Shutting him down

By Ashley Jataun Moore

I see now
That I must be
Relentless is what I will be

Relentless is what I am

I will be relentless
Bruised knees, hoarse voice
Bloody knuckles
Yet unwavering

Fighting for you
Fighting so that you will LIVE
I need you to LIVE
I need you to keep going
I need you not to faint

I’ll stand
I’ll fight
I’ll keep praying and believing
I’ll pull out my sword
And war on your behalf

I am my sister’s keeper
I will fight for you

I won’t leave you hanging
Relentless I’ll be
Relentless I am

Blows to Satan’s head
Wrecking havoc on his kingdom
Relentless to protect, take back, and preserve what is truly God’s

I am my sister’s keeper

The gravitational pull, drip drop of your tears
Is the same force that weighs on my heart

I will fight for you
I will stand when you are down
I will pray when your words have gone
I will believe when your heart has turned cold,
Frost-bitten by life and people

Cookie crumble, crumbs
Your heart in pieces
I will sweep them into a jar
And place it in the Potter’s hands
That He might make anew
Refresh, restore, revive, renew, recreate…do a new thing

Relentless, I will feed myself on His word,
Fill myself with His light
That the fire within might grow
That I may be able to warm, revive, and help you

Relentless I will be
Persistent in prayer, intercession, and faith

Relentless I will be
In praise and worship
Even when my voice fails
My limbs will activate
Like David, I will dance
Giving Him glory because of His faithfulness and because of who He is

Relentless I will be
Though aching from my own pains
I will stand anyhow

Relentless I will be
To leap and reach, to go and do, to speak and believe
Relentless I will be
Even when I am afraid

Relentless I will be
To live
To keep the faith
To fight
To love
To heal
To grow
To lay myself before Him as a “living sacrifice,”
A life poured out

Relentless I will be
So that in my living
And through my life
-Because of the God in me
You will live…and be…and continue…and get back up
Because someone…God through someone
Was relentless about loving you
Relentless about being there for you
Relentless about reminding you of the princess that you truly are
Relentless about standing up for you
Relentless about believing in you
Relentless about fighting so that you might experience the life God has for you

My sister, I love you
And for you
I will be relentless

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