Thursday, January 29, 2015

I Have a Cavity in My Heart

I Have a Cavity in my Heart
By Ashley Moore

I have a cavity in my heart
I know it by its dull ache
I have a cavity in my heart
I know it by its sensitivity to hot or cold substances
Broken down by what has rested on it
Not being brushed enough
Not being rinsed and washed off enough
Decay has set in...

I have a cavity in my heart
Persistent dull ache
At times writhing pain
Sensitivity to hot or cold
In need of urgent attention
In need of a drilling down and cleaning out
I need to see the Doctor
To let Him fix me and send me on my way again
Drilling down
Cleaning out
And filling in
Sending me on my way; in a better state; with warnings, tools, and wisdom
Forming new habits of precaution
Rinsing twice a day
Brushing after meals
Flossing hard to reach places
That my heart may stay clean
Touched, but unhindered by the things its exposed to
In good condition
In full use again

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