Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Even If You Have to Take Baby Steps...

Go After Your Dreams...
Even If You Have to Take Baby Steps

Since, I was a teenager, it has been one of my dreams and desires to freelance for a card company.  I'd find myself sitting in the isles of Walmart or the grocery store reading greeting cards.  Over the last several years, I've found myself buying cards and sending love ones pick-me-up notes.  (I know we're in an email/text culture, but there's nothing like receiving a handwritten letter or note in the mail!)  One day I decided to start sending my own cards.  I began using my art and creating postcards.  I felt like God wanted me to use what I had and start where I was rather than waiting for some GRAND opportunity.  What if those grand opportunities are wrapped in small opportunities?  What if those big breaks are wrapped in small moments?  What if living fully not only comes in the leaps but also in baby steps?

Maybe one day, I'll freelance for a well-know card company.  Maybe I won't.  Maybe one day Oprah will buy one of my cards to send to a loved one.  Maybe she'll never know I exist.  Maybe one day there will be an article in Essence magazine featuring my story.  Maybe there won't be.  

Regardless of the outcome, I choose to LIVE FULLY.  I choose to believe in myself and value what I have to offer.  I choose to use WHAT I DO HAVE and make the most of it.  I chose to use what's ALREADY IN ME to CONTRIBUTE TO and to ADD LOVE and BEAUTY to the lives of those I am connected to.

Value what you DO have.  Work what you already have.  Don't belittle or downplay baby steps.  They are still a form of MOVEMENT.

Be Blessed.
Ashley Jataun Moore

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