Wednesday, September 7, 2016

When It Rains

When it rains...
it sometimes drizzles
sometimes it's a mist
and sometimes
it simply pours
Sometimes it's my fault
And sometimes it's not
Sometimes when it rains
it pours
drip drops of different hues and sizes
Sometimes when it rains it pours
and sometimes when it pours
the best thing for me to do
is be still
acknowledge the rain
honor the rain
rather than futility denying or resisting it
surrendering to it
honoring the rain on the outside
without letting it cause flooding and sinking on the inside
Sometimes when it rains it pours
and I want to cry with the rain
letting my tears fall
like the drops falling from the sky
rinsing the earth
and cleansing my soul
Sometimes when it rains it pours
turning light blue skies
into gray overcasts
Yes, sometimes when it rains it pours
darkening my view
Nevertheless, the Son is always shining
and soon the rain will yield
clouds parting and passing
almost as quickly as they came

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