A Response to Antoine Fisher’s “Who Will Cry for the Little Boy”
To the little boy inside the man
I want you to know I see you
My heart aches, and tears fall
Because I cry for you
I cry for the little boy
Buried inside the man
I cry but I won’t stop there
I’ll fight for you too, I’ll fight and lend a hand.
I will fight for the little boy
Lost inside my man
I will fight for the little boy
That he may live fully and smile again
I will fight for the little boy
Who’s cried himself to sleep
I will fight for the little boy
I’ll be strong for him when he feels weak
I will fight for the little boy
Crying inside my man
Waiting with tissue for every tear
Loving him the best I can
I will fight for the little boy
Alone inside my man
By his side and in his corner
Until he never feels alone again
I will hold the little boy
He’ll never walk burning sand again
‘Cause I’ll be lifting him up diligently
As a wife who always prays for her man, as a woman who ever prays for her friend
I will fight for the little boy
Who’s died again and again
I’ll cover him with sword and shield
That no arrow will touch him again
I will fight for the little boy
Alone he will never fight again
In battle, his back I will ever have
Like David and Johnathan, I’ll be his friend
I will fight for the little boy
Loving him with all my might
And even when I am weary and weak
For him, the God in me will stand up and fight
I will cry for the little boy
Because when he aches, I do too
I will fight for the little boy
Who’s never had his own
Bricks and clay, I’ll lay the foundation
Creating for him a home
I’ll war for that little boy
Persistent outside the door until he lets me in
Salve for his eyes until he’s able to see
He’ll never be alone again
I’ll fight for that little boy
His peaceful cove he shall have
Fears released, Rest he shall have
His heart again shall smile and laugh
Never again will he have to fight alone
Or have to prove or protect himself again
But he’ll stand in faith, under-girded
Knowing that every battle he wins
I will fight for the little boy
Don’t worry, I am skilled you see
Because I’ve spent the majority of my 31 years
Fighting for the girl inside of me
Who will cry for the little boy?
Crying and lost inside the man?
The Holy Spirit who is within, a guarantee
Is going to rescue that boy and man.
Soon that man will walk in manifested victory
Free, life more abundantly
While the little boy lies on the carpet of the man’s heart
Free, content, and stretched out happily
Who will cry for the little boy?
Soon he will never cry again.
To the man, I say be encouraged
You will soon find happiness again
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