Friday, June 24, 2016

Less than 10 Hours Before My First Art Showcase...

With less than 10 hours left before my first art showcase, I'd just like to stop and say thank you.  Thank you Lord for this moment in time- this moment in my life.  Thank you for the moments that led me here.  Thank you for mustard seeds that added up to actionable faith.  Thank you for the support and belief in me from family and loved ones.  Thank you for my mom and dad who see my potential.  Thank you for a sister that gets excited for me.  Thank you for Jeremy who will lift loads, make suggestions, and give of himself, his time, and his money to help me grow.  Thank you for every milestone and stepping stone.  Thank you for Busboys and Poets and Carol Dyson who put my works on display.  Thank you for people who've celebrated my postcards.  Thank you for tears used to wet my paintbrush and create masterpieces.

Lord thank you for hope.  Thank you for dreams.  Thank you for allowing me to see this day.  It's a little after midnight, but I couldn't sleep without acknowledging you.

Thank you for giving me "dreams, goals, and visions," and for allowing me to see some of them come to fruition.  This gives me fuel and hope and stirs my faith to keep believing for it all:
for lasting happiness, for a life that's a light and blessing to others, for an awesome marriage and family of my own, for love that puts the fairy tale books to shame.

You have been so good to me.

YOU have kept me.  YOU have continued to usher me into greater spaces and places for your glory and for my soul's delight and for the blessing of mankind.

Thank you.

I look up and see the piece "Faith and Grace."

I look up and I see YOU and me, Lord.

Thank you.

I lay down now Lord and rest.  Less than 10 hours left until my first show.  A true testament to faith walking and your grace creating and sustaining the way.  I am so grateful Lord.
Thank you.
Good night Daddy.

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