Thursday, May 19, 2016

Made to Be Loved

like cracked lips in need of Vaseline
like bellies in need of food
like lungs in need of fresh air
like ash in need of lotion
like skin in need of sunbeams
like eyes in need of beauty
like winter in need of heating
and summer in need of cool air
like plants in need of watering
like ears in need of both silence and melodies
like morning breath in need of Crest
like my back in need of massaging
like windshields in need of wipers
like beds in need of blankets
like tubs in need of running water
like gas in need of release
like toenails in need of clipping
like books in need of reading
like songs in need of listening
like legs in need of dancing
is my heart in need of caring
my voice in need of hearing
my ears in need of speaking
my shoulder in need of rubbing
my hands in need of holding
my body in need of cuddling
my lips in need of kissing
my arms in need of caressing
my dreams in need of believing
my value, strength, beauty in need of seeing
I was made to be loved

Monday, May 16, 2016

Back Where I Belong

By Ashley Jataun Moore

You spoke
And You said
“Be still and know that I am God”*
You told me You’d be exalted,
That Your glory would be revealed
But I got antsy
Quite frustrated to exact
And from discontentment, I moved
Away from trust; away from rest
Hashing and rehashing
Trying to figure and work things out
But YOU are SO good
You held me

You held me
While I was tossing and turning
You held me
While I was fumbling around, attempting to gather and reassemble broken pieces
You held me
Even when I refused to relax in Your care
I was picking up pieces You’d told me to lay down
Weighted and unsettled, when you’d already spoken peace
Confused and frustrated, when you’d told me to trust
I am sorry Lord...

True to Your essence,
Your remained faithful
Even when my faith faltered and dissipated
So good
So compassionate
You melt my heart time and time again
So patient
So loving
You wait for me

So I bring You back the pieces
Trading You my pieces for Your peace
I bring you back the pieces
Laying them in your hands
Potter, Creator, Resurrector
There are no impossibilities in Your hands
Your heart
Pure, compassionate, wanting the best for me
Your thoughts
Wise, full of truth and understanding

I bringing you all the pieces
Laying them in your hands
Now, free from the load You had been trying to carry
I run on
I run on
In Your joy and strength
Your peace:
My helium-
My heart, my thoughts, my eyes

*Psalm 46:10

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Armor: Necessities of Life

"Helmet of Salvation and Breastplate of Righteousness"


Hope is my helium
Rising from my spirit
Lifting my soul
Cannot be held down
A seed inserted long ago
Tiny in size, but dynamic in its work
Stronger than the Incredible Hulk
A seed within that cannot be aborted
Birthing babies of faith
And children of manifestations

Hope is my helium
It rises at the oddest of times
"You will LIVE and not die."

Hope is my helium
Raising me up
My alarm clock in the morning
My lullaby at night
Televising news reports of fruition of hopes once deferred
Pointing out stars
Stretching my hands toward them

Hope is my helium
And like it, I rise

Fruitful Tears

I thank God for my pen
and keyboard
and paintbrush

My tears:  ink, keys, strokes
dropping like T-Mobile's calls
too frequent
pillow there to catch them
paper there to catch them
screen there to catch them
canvas there to catch them
and transform them into masterpieces
and Kleenex for the next soul
who reads and sees my words and pictures

The View: From the Streets of Charlotte

The View: " Raindrops in Atlanta"

Photograph by Ashley Moore
"Raindrops in Atlanta"

Soaking Up His Light

Her heart and arms, solar panels
absorbing HIS light and love and warmth and identity

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Lights Out Haikus

(Picture from Google Images and

Like shaking a bulb
Some things have shaken my heart
Causing bulbs to blow

Blown bulbs, hurt places
Dim vision, sadness in eyes

Thank God for SONlight
Better than generators 
Giving me light again

(Picture from Google Images,